Air500 Smart NBC Air Filtration Station from Castellex We proudly present our latest product- Castellex Air500 NBC air filtration system. It is entirely unique smart NBC Air Filtration System , which has no equivalent in the world. By pressing one button it lets to turn on the machine into daily ventilation mode and your bunker/ shelter will be protected against moisture, mould , unpleasant odour . You can also use Castellax Air500 to protect your family or workers against polluted air, such as city dust, diesel soot, plant emissions, allergens, such as pollen and etc. We all know, that polluted air causes asthma, allergy, severe lung diseases, including cancer. By using Castellex Air500 you will have an opportunity to daily breath the clean, safe air in your home. The most important is, that if there is a need for another turn of a switch the system is switched into a full NBC filtration mode. Those, who are familiar with the ...
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